What is Float Therapy?

Welcome to Thrive Float

We offer a gateway to tranquillity, located in the heart of East Kilbride. Our floatation suites offer a zero-gravity environment, free from external stimuli, to help you decompress, unwind, and nurture self-connection.

We exist in a world of constant connectivity which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed. This, coupled with the pressures of our everyday lives, takes its toll on our minds and bodies. Thrive Float presents a scientifically proven system to support you in prioritising your health and wellbeing. 

Float therapy, also known as R.E.S.T (restricted environmental stimulation technique), has evolved over the years from its origin as an experiment dating back to the 1950’s to the world-renowned self-care technique that is used today by people across the globe to improve their health and wellbeing. 

When you step into the pod, you are entering an environment of sensory deprivation with the purpose of seeking a deeply relaxed state and activating the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. Activation of this system resets the balance of the body’s endocrine system which is responsible for generating hormones to control important functions including metabolism, energy levels, growth, development and the responses to injury, stress, and mood. 

Floating regulates and resets this system providing the body and mind with the ability to relax and repair. 

Whilst each individual will experience a uniquely personal impact from floating, the range of potential benefits are widely documented and there have been a myriad of scientific studies conducted and a resulting body of research to evidence the incredible impact that float therapy offers to a person’s health and wellbeing. 


Physical Health

  • lowers blood pressure
  • relieve aches and pains
  • improves muscle function and elasticity
  • reduces insomnia and aids restful sleep
  • improvement in focus, attention and creativity 

Mental Health

  • increases serotonin and dopamine (hormones associated with happiness and pain relief)
  • increases endorphins
  • reduces cortisol (stress hormone)
  • reduces anxiety
  • reduces depression
  • reduces symptoms of PTSD


Women's Health

  • reduces the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause
  • aids relaxation and reduces the pressure and strain on hips and pelvis during pregnancy
  • offers an opportunity for pregnant women to lie on their backs safely during the second and third trimester without reducing the oxygen flow to the placenta
  • reduces cortisol and increases oxytocin which has a positive impact on baby’s brain development during pregnancy